
Peter, were the lights on when you came in? I can't switch them off the usual way, the control panel does not seem to work. Sergey

Peter, profile photo

No worry, Sergey. They were off when we came in. The lights are indeed difficult to switch off. There is also an automatic that turns them off after some time. BR Peter


Are there any trainings in December?

Pekka, profile photo

Yes, not in December. I remember I was wondering the same thing, when entering them in the calendar. Now I added the spring trainings, altogether 16 of them, first already on Jan 3. It seems I'll miss that one, recovering from a thumb surgery. First I'll have to learn eating and pen writing, playing will follow only after that. 🙂


Thank you Pekka, get well soon man.

Peter, profile photo

No Salibandy guys here at all.

Pekka, profile photo

So, let's keep the Friday training in the schedule as it was, starting at 19:30.